AOE – Aussie Online Entrepreneurs


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AOE – Aussie Online Entrepreneurs is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.


“It wasn’t meant to be like this”

Sue, Mike and I were having coffee at Burke Street Bakery, in Sydney.

It was 10:30am on a Monday and Mike was draining his latte ready to go back to a job he didn’t like working in, for a boss who didn’t value him and Sue was heading back home where she was picking up some work as a VA

“What do you mean?” I asked him.

“Neil, 10 years ago we knew we had a great life before us, we were ready to take on the world, we had a plan that would see both of us retired by 50 sitting on a beach in the South of France reading books and drinking Rosé.”

“So what happened?” I asked

“Life happened Neil, I got caught up with day to day bullshit, things that at the time seem like emergencies, but looking back, were just bumps in the road”

“I got disillusioned, I let my health go, drank a bit more than I should have and we didn’t make time for one another”

“Neil, it’s easy to look back and see where we would have done things differently”. Sue Said

“But, it was never meant to be like that, we had hopes and dreams;”

“And now mate, I’m tired”

“I’m tired of getting up when I’m still half asleep”

“I’m tired of having to say yes when I want to say screw you”

“I’m tired of not having the money or time to do the things I want, no, I deserve to do.”

“I’m tired of seeing the look in my kids eye’s when I say, I can’t afford it”

“What the hell happened to me”

“Now all we’ve got to look forward to is a shitty little pension and more work, probably until we’re way to old to really enjoy ourselves, and you know what Neil, it sucks.”

He’d drained his latte and I could see the quiet desperation in both their eyes

The sad thing is I knew exactly how they felt.

“Do you need to go back to work now, or can I tempt you with a mid morning Croissant?”

“Well, I should really get back Neil, we’ve got a lot on and if I’m not there the boss will miss me”

“I have a some client work I should really get done too Neil” Sue said

I thought they were going back for sure, in fact Mike got up to leave, then I saw something stir in Sue, some long since felt defiance, the old Sue and Andy was there and Sue told him to order the croissants and she turnedto me, and said

“Ok Neil, blow the diet today!” and with that Andy went inside to order and I shared something with them that dramatically changed their life.

Y’see right now, I know you’re where Sue and Andy were.

You know there’s more, but you’re not sure how to get it.

You hear of people making sacks of cash online but you’re not sure how they hell they do it or even if it’s true

Those monthly income figures taunt you, making you feel left behind, like it’s a brilliant party full of beautiful people that you haven’t been invited to…

Yet if you knew for sure you could make a go of it you’d do it in a heartbeat.

You’re a hard worker, and when you’re shown something new you’ll do your bloody best to get it right!

Because I’ve been where you are

I used to be a tradie, a chef as it happens.

I was working 16 hours a day, 6 days a week for crazy chefs whose sole purpose in life was to make my life miserable.

I worked for Gordon Ramsy and for Marco Pierre White and I got a thrill out of making things with my hands, and deep satisfaction from knowing I’d done my job well.

Why did I choose cooking?

Because I was a bit of a larrikin at school. I left school after year 10 and in my final year I made 35 full days. when I left school, I’m sure the teachers popped open a bottle of champagne.

My parents split up when I was 11 and it knocked me for six, I went from straight A’s to chasing girls full time.

My mum raised me after that and she worked 3 jobs to pay the rent and feed us.

My beginnings were not auspicious to say the least.

Like you I’ve had my fair share of ups and downs, I’m married with 2 girls but 8 years ago my wife left me and we were almost divorced. I had no idea what was coming, because as far as I knew everything was OK and then, out of the blue, came the “Neil I’m leaving you” chat, talk about a punch in the gut.

I didn’t want her to leave. This is not how it was supposed to end! So I made her the best sales pitch of my life. And fortunately, it worked

Are you married? divorced? kids?

You HAVE to make money, it’s in our DNA to earn an income and support those that rely upon us, if we don’t we’ve failed.

You know what the fastest way to do that is?

The trouble is traditional businesses are dying, it’s no longer a smart move to buy yourself a franchise such as a Jim’s mowing business or a cafe.

Besides I think we both know that the initial thrill of working outdoors would quickly fade away and then you’re left with a shit load of hard work, and manual labor.

Add to that the fact that you can now buy a robot that will mow your grass and it’s clear that this sort of business is dead in the water

Surely that’s a good idea, right?

Well, have you had a look around lately, there’s a cafe on every street corner, a cafe cart at every train station and companies like n’espresso are doing the same thing to cafe’s that DVD players did to blockbuster video shops

Whilst you’re looking at all those cafes you’ll probably notice that most of them have replaced more traditional retail shops, in the last 10 years the high street has changed

Shops are closing, why is that?

The simple truth is that people prefer to shop online now

Here’s something that that will boggle your mind

The Australian number may appear small, but Australia’s population is 2 percent of China’s. Additionally, Australia has a higher Internet penetration and smartphone usage; more than 90 percent of the population has Internet access.

The e-commerce opportunity in Australia is compelling, as studies show that approximately 30 percent of consumers spend more time shopping online than in a physical store.

Because like it or not online shopping is here to stay, and the good news?

The market is growing 15% year on year

So if you want to make money, the obvious choice is to start an online business

But which one? Selling what?

I’d like to show you, and yes of course there’s something in it for me, but it’s probably not what you think.

The average adult male life expectancy is 80, it’s 84 for ladies. For this example, let’s assume you’re a baby boomer. That means you only have 20 or so years left on this planet.Does that sound like a lot of time… or very little?

(I’m betting if you’re actually 50 or older it sounds like very little “good” time.)

The two things that will take up a majority of those remaining years are work and sleep. How much of your remaining time on this earth do you want to give to your present way of working and making a living?

How much longer do you want to continue telling your spouse, children, loved ones and friends, “I’m sorry. I just can’t be away from work that long” or worse still “I can’t afford it”?

How many more times do you want to see that heart wrenching look of disappointment in their eyes?

And the most important question…

When is “some day” going to be YOUR day? Don’t you want to create a business that will free you from the drudgery that’s consuming most of your remaining time on this planet… So you can finally enjoy a great lifestyle without financial worries?

Instead of continuing to grind it out, month after month… year after year… having absolutely ZERO certainty in your business, income and financial future, I want you to consider a different future.

For most Amazon entrepreneurs it’s possible to predict with 99% certainty your income every month, gross sales, net profits… for many months in advance.

This allows you a predictable and steady inflow of money coming in.

When you have a predictable income it’s MUCH easier to say YES to family holidays, home improvements, a second home, that nice car you’ve been promising yourself…

That’s what I want for you

And I’m going to tell you how to do it, but first you’ll probably want to know…

…What’s in it for me?

Money – let’s get the elephant in the room out of the way, PRICE

That works out to be a ridiculously low investment of only…

That’s not smart business.

So, cards on the table, here’s my thinking;

You’ll be able to use your money to buy stock to sell, and become successful.

Once you start selling online, you’ll think I’m a bloody genius!

You’ll continue to stay with me as I teach you ways to make even more money

That way I’ll build a long term business for myself and my family.

Clearly the more you invest in stock the more stuff you’ll have to sell and the more you’ll make, but you can start small and build from there.

Get Rich Slowly And Steadily

Think about that, building an online business is nothing more than following a set of step by step plans.You follow plans and recipes all the time, you’re already good at it!

All we’re going to do is teach you how to use some new tools and equipment, how to hammer a nail, how to whisk an egg, once you master them you’re a few steps away from building a dog kennel or making a souffle, it’s the same principles.

My dad is 69, I’ve watched him humm and harr for 15 years about starting something. He knows time is ticking by, he watches videos on Youtube of people trading stocks and he knows there’s more to his life than sitting on the couch watching TV

In the past 3 years he’s gotten old, know what I mean?

You see it in his eyes and the way he talks, he”s slowly giving up.

It breaks my heart to see and it also makes me double down on my own commitment for something different.

I don’t want that for me and I sure as hell don’t want it for you!!

You see, the biggest problem that you face is knowing where to start and which steps to take first. So most people never get moving.

It’s like inertia, the force that works against you when you push something.

As a new entrepreneur, that same force holds you in your chair…

… But I’m going to show you how to beat that force, and then turn it to your advantage. Imagine a big freight train a kilometer long with 4,000 tons of cargo.

Now it can take three other trains with 4,000 to 6,000 horsepower all pulling together just to get that huge freight train moving. And then it will still take a while for it to get up to speed.

Now for the entrepreneur without a real blueprint for success, getting an online business going can seem just as hard. That’s why so many great people never get started!

But once that freight train does get moving, it’s almost impossible to stop. In fact, a freight train moving at 70 KM’s per hour can take a kilometre or more to stop, even using the emergency brakes!

And just like that freight train, once you really get started in your online business you build momentum. And then it’s almost impossible to stop you. I’m here to coach and pull you through those first steps to get your Amazon business started!

I’ll walk with you step by step as you pick your first profitable product, make a business plan, and launch your business on Amazon. Not only that, I’ll also be with you all the way through your success. And I’ll give you the tools you need to do every single part of your business.

Why not set yourself a new goal, how about

Notice I didn’t say by next month?

That’s because that’s not going to happen, and if you think it is then you’re dreaming.

Building a business takes time and you’ll have to dig your heels in whilst you build it, but once it’s built you’re set.

Free to finally do the thing you’ve been wanting to do but you’ve been worried because you weren’t sure what would happen if you did

Finally becoming who you know you are deep down inside.

So how am I going to help you get what you deserve?

Well it’s easier than you think, once you join my group of Amazon entrepreneurs you’ll get instant access to the tools and strategies you need to get started.

I’m going to give you the step by step plans I use that have enabled me to make a full time living online since 2000

Naturally, you can cancel any time (for any reason) with a simple email to me at [email protected] if you don’t like what I have to show you, then no hard feelings and we’ll part as mates

Listen, there’s a lot of money to be made on the internet.

And people who know how to start an online business are scooping it up fast.

Click the big yellow button below to give it a shot.

Becoming an Aussie Online Entrepreneur will start immediately (you’ll get instant access to the Amazon training) and you’ll get instant access to the private members only Facebook group.

And no, you don’t have forever to make up your mind.

No, I’m not going to pull any kind of lame ass scarcity tactics on you. I’ll just say this:

Twenty years as an entrepreneur has taught me this:

You now have all the information you need to make an informed decision… so it’s time to make the only intelligent decision.

See You On The Other Side!

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AOE – Aussie Online Entrepreneurs is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.

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