Clients on Tap – Copywriters Clubhouse


Click here to get Clients on Tap – Copywriters Clubhouse at discounted price while it’s still available…

All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors.

Clients on Tap – Copywriters Clubhouse is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.


Think about your bank statement…

You probably see 1-2 deposits a month, and everything else is an expense taking money out of your pocket.

When you’re working on an assignment you can’t prospect for new clients…

And when you’re prospecting that means you’re not working and probably don’t have a lot of money coming in.

Plus, who knows how long it will take to find your next client???

Could you survive if you went a week without working?

Or three months in between paying clients?

It can feel like you are stranded in the scorching hot desert with no life-saving help in sight.

Maybe the stars align and you’re in the right place at the right time, and a new client seems to find you…

Maybe the stars align and you’re in the right place at the right time, and a new client seems to find you…

Or you get lucky and someone gives you a referral for potential work…

How are you supposed to grow your business if you don’t have a predictable and repeatable system for finding new clients anytime you want?

I’ve Got Some Great News For You!

Because I’m about to give you that exact system that will allow you to get as much work as you want at any time…

This is absolutely perfect for new-ish copywriters and marketers!

Some People Might Say This Is B.S. And That’s Cool…

They can go on continuing to do what they’ve always done, and continue to get the exact same results…  

But this is for people who are serious about creating a dream quality of life for themselves.

Those that know there’s more to life than feeling a sense of missing out when you look at your bank account.

And if that’s you, this is going to be a game changer. 

Together, we’ll create an offer that’s so irresistible, clients will be honored to pay you a huge royalty, just for the privilege of working with you.

It’s always been funny to me that being able to create an irresistible offer could be the difference between an offer that flops… And one that does 6, 7, or even 8 figures…

Yet, hardly any copywriter has an offer like that for themselves.

After all, asking a business owner to pay for your services, is no different than asking a customer to pay for whatever that business is selling.

And any copywriter out there without their own irresistible offer will be grouped in with every other generic/run-of-the-mill writer out there.

This training is designed to help you stand out from the competition in a way nobody has ever seen before…

This Is Your Opportunity To Set Yourself Up For Massive Success WITHOUT Any Competition! 

We won’t be wasting any time either…

Once you understand the incredibly powerful sales psychology that makes this system so effective, you’ll be able to find and close new clients in just a few minutes…

Seriously, you’ll have everything you need locked, loaded, and ready to go, in less time than it takes to Microwave a Hot Pocket…

(And you won’t deal with biting into something that’s both hot as lava, and frozen solid at the same time…)

It’s Very common for students to start closing deals within their first day or two of using this system, so can expect to start seeing results very quickly…

Ready to add your name to the ever growing list of copywriters who’s able to land new clients anytime you want?

Click on the button below, complete the simple checkout process, and join us inside the private members area.

I gotta tell you that this training isn’t for everyone. So, if this doesn’t sound like it’s a good fit for you, that’s totally fine…

Here’s the details for ya:-)

Inside a top secret and private members-only area…

I work with newer copywriters to show you exactly how to find and close clients using nothing more than some simple copy/paste messages…

And you won’t need to be a seasoned expert, have a bunch of referrals, testimonials, an extensive portfolio, or even a single previous client!

(Yes! this works amazingly well for experienced copywriters as well as people who are just getting started).

Typically, people begin closing deals within just a few days of using this training, but a number of students have gained new clients within a few hours.

That means you could begin making money before dinner time!

This system is wildly different than anything you’ve seen before, and that’s one of the reasons it’s so effective.

It’s called Clients on Tap because anytime you want a new client (or a few) you just turn on the tap…

Then, once you’ve got your fill of work, you simply turn the tap off.

Need work? Turn the tap on…

Have enough work? Turn the tap off…

First – We’re going to discuss the different ways you’ve probably been trying to land clients… 

You’ll understand why those old and ineffective methods are basically sabotaging you from earning consistent cash flow in your business.

Of course, we are going to spend quite a bit of time learning the RIGHT way to find and approach potential clients, so you can get your foot in the door without the fear of rejection.

Next, we’ll use my patented Oh Hell Yeah! System to help you create a dead-simple offer that’s so irresistible, business owners will be DEMANDING to work with you immediately.

These are “micro-offers” that are are in high demand and typically only take a few minutes to fulfill…

Essentially, you are going to approach a business owner and present them with a problem that they are currently unaware of… But as soon as you mention it, they immediately realize that they MUST fix it immediately.

And since you are also presenting them with your own unique solution… 

These kinds of offers normally convert at 80-95%!

Then, you are going to begin leveraging your new-found success in a way that allows you to create a “snowball” effect so you can continuously sign more clients and higher paying clients.

You are also going to discover how to hire virtual assistants (for pennies on the dollar) who will sell your “micro-offers” to business owners all over the world!

And, you will learn how to train your virtual assistants do all of the work for you… So you can focus on growing your business to 6 or 7 figures per year, in just a few months.

Now, the more people who know about this system, the less effective it will become…

So, I’ve decided to limit the number of people I am ever going to show it to… 

And once we’ve reached that number, I’m going to shut this program down – probably for good.

But since you’re reading this page, that means there are still a few spots remaining…

Now, when you join Clients on Tap today, I’m also give you lots of templates and examples to make this even easier for you to start meeting and closing new clients right away.

The truth is, I offer much more high ticket training that’s reserved only for successful copywriters who have proven their value to clients…

And the only way you’ll ever decide to sign up for that training, is if I make you an absolutely unbeatable deal now, and work to help you get the results you truly want… and more.

So that’s exactly why I want you to have the ENTIRE Clients on Tap training system, and all of the incredible benefits that come with it, for just….

Simply click on the button below, complete the simple check out process, and prepare to get started inside of the private members area in just about 2 minutes from right now!

You Have Absolutely Nothing To Worry About Because Your Purchase is 100% Protected By Our…

If, for any reason, you don’t like this amazing training, you can get a full refund anytime within 30 days after your purchase. If you have any issues, just get in touch with our friendly support team and they’ll either help you out until you get the results you need or give you a swift refund – No questions asked.

And Don’t Forget, You are Fully Covered By The…

If, for any reason, you don’t like this amazing training, you can get a full refund anytime within 30 days after your purchase. If you have any issues, just get in touch with our friendly support team and they’ll either help you out until you get the results you need or give you a swift refund – No questions asked.

Get started right now while you’re still on this page – don’t get distract you from this opportunity. 

Because that’s what always happens…  

You may find a great opportunity is being presented in front of you… and then get distracted with something else and this will test how badly you truly want to achieve success in your life.

The choice is yours and I hope for your sake that you choose correctly and get started right now.  

Click the button on this page, enter your billing details and together we’ll transform your income, life and lifestyle for the better.  

That’s a promise I plan to keep for you, if you don’t think anything has changed over the next 30 days… that’s a full month… then I’ll cheerfully return your investment.

I only want your money if you get results.

Act Now – You Literally Have NOTHING To Lose And EVERYTHING To Gain

Copyright 2021, Copywriters Clubhouse – Disclaimer


Click here to get Clients on Tap – Copywriters Clubhouse at discounted price while it’s still available…

All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors.

Clients on Tap – Copywriters Clubhouse is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.

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